Code Blue Innovations LLC Apps

Meeting Bomb - Business IQ 1.0.11
Disrupt your meetings like never before.Challenge your coworkers to turn your ordinary, dull meeting into aproductive and rewarding meeting for everyone.We've all been there, another meeting that's going nowhere, justhashing over the same information again and again. Now you can turnthese colossal wastes of time into the kinds of meetings that movegood projects forward and kill bad projects in their tracks.Just open the Meeting Bomb app and it will provide you with oneof hundreds of intelligent, thoughtful and disruptive quotes youcan say to the team to completely change the dynamic of themeeting. These quotes have been honed by a team of executives whohave spent far too many hours in bad meetings.You can challenge an assumption: "It's obvious that we've lostthe customer here. What problem are we solving for them?"Or suggest a pathway to success: "Could we apply gamificationtechniques to this idea?"Or even "blow up" the meeting: "Tell me more about that, becausewe really need to spend more time in this meeting instead ofactually building something."Meeting Bomb is simple to use. Just open the app to see yourfirst quote. If it's not what you need for the moment, just clickthe "Bomb Me Again!" button to load a new quote.Key Features- Hundreds of quotes that have been tested in real-worldmeetings,- The ability to share your favorites with others on Facebook,Twitter or LinkedIn,- Easy to use, just open the app and start looking smarter to yourboss and coworkers immediately,- Submit your own quotes to be included in future versions of theapp.This is the one productivity app that can actually:- Help your company be more effective and efficient by keepingmeetings on track,- Increase your perceived value to the company by drivingdisruptive thought,- Focus your team's attention on the important ideas involved inyour project,- Help to improve the chances of success for your project througheffective examination,- Make your meetings more fun and rewarding.Your career and business needs Meeting Bomb to stay ahead of thecompetition.